Thursday, May 3, 2007


I used to be a good judge of character, a good judge of people, but my recent negative experiences with having roommates in my home is making me question myself and my gut instinct...

Then again, perhaps the real questioning of myself came when I didn't listen to that instinct in the first place. Instead of trusting my gut and letting it guide me in waiting for and ultimately selecting not only a roommate, but a friend, I listened to the demands of my bank account, and went with the sure-money gals. The results have been uniformly disastrous.

The bright side is that, in a few short days, I will once again have a peaceful home. The dark side is the scary one full of trust and total dependence on God to provide all my needs.

That's the real problem with looking for roommates. I've been looking to them to be the source of my provision, relying on their rent and utility checks to provide all my needs. No wonder things have been so awful -- God was simply letting me have my own way.

Lord, I'm ready to trust You! I don't want to do this my way anymore. Here are the keys... I'm moving over into the passenger's seat...

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