Chris Rice said it best... "Think I'd have it down by now / Been practicing for 30 years / Should have walked a thousand miles / So what am I still doing here?" The older I get, the more I can relate to this song. Just this week, I came across an old piece of scrap paper with this on it:
When He speaks, it's always best to listen.
When He directs, it's always best to obey.
When He corrects, it's always best to change course.
And when He tells me something wonderful, it's always best to believe Him.
I don't know where I read this or who wrote it, but I'm glad I thought to scribble it down ages ago because I needed to hear it today. That last line in particular is the one that hits me the hardest. I know God has told me some wonderful and incredible things, but I haven't been believing them! Perhaps it's just my strict Calvinistic upbringing that focuses more on God the sovereign and holy judge rather than God the loving and joyful father... who knows. Maybe it's just that the bad stuff is often easier to believe. I have no problem believing that I'm a sinner deserving eternal damnation. I have no problem believing that a sovereign God chose to set me apart for Himself and rescue me from my well-deserved fate. But when He tells me that "He rescued me because He delights in me," I find myself doubting and questioning Him!
But that's what He said, no doubt about it. It may not make sense, but what can I do? Like when I was a kid and my dad told me to do or not to do something, and I asked him why and he just said, "Because I said so." That's God's message to me -- to all of us, really: if God says to believe that He loves me and knows what's best for me, and I'm crazy enough to ask Him why, His response is, "Because I said so!" Well, these may be hard truths to swallow, but who am I to contradict God when He says so?
For the Lord takes delight in His people; He crowns the humble with salvation. (Psalm 149:4)
Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine... you are precious and honored in my sight... I love you. (Isaiah 43)
The Lord be exalted, who delights in the wellbeing of His servant. (Psalm 35:27)
He reached down from on high and took hold of me... He rescued me because He delighted in me. (Psalm 18)
And on a more personal note:
Seven shooting stars (July 28, 2005)
Summer Recap - July
8 years ago
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